Who We Are

The Cape Breton Island Building & Construction Trades Council (Cape Breton Building Trades) was incorporated in 1967. We represent fourteen affiliated unions with more than 4000 trades professionals in multiple disciplines across Cape Breton Island. We partner with over 100 unionized contractors to build essential infrastructure such as water and sewer, commercial buildings, schools, and hospitals.

What We Do

We negotiate for our members for more favorable working conditions and benefits through collective bargaining. We are unique in North America as the only Building Trades that partake in multi-trade bargaining. We promote safety and provide training for our skilled trades professionals.

History of the Council

The Cape Breton Building Trades are involved in every major construction project in Cape Breton. We focus on safety and training of members to ensure projects are built to the highest standards, on budget and on schedule. Our history dates back to 1967; we’ve encountered tough economic times on the island as well as times of great investment and opportunity. Many of the completed projects have a historical significance to the island for those retirees that now remember the last project they built. The Council has been known as a driver for the economy and for community – then and now.

A Message from President Jack Wall

September 3, 2024

Our Council focuses on safety, and collaboration with our partner contractors, government, and community leaders to ensure our trades professionals are working. When we are working, we are supporting the social and economic prosperity of Cape Breton Island. We advocate for a modernized sector and support the progress of future renewable projects that will grow our province’s prosperity. We support careers in the skilled trades, family health and welfare benefits, and pensions for the future, all while creating a diverse skilled trades workforce. We achieve this through training, skills development, and supporting the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship System. There is still much work to be done to attract more apprentices to our industry and ensure their successful completion of our Red Seal training programs. We will continue to work on this together. With major investments in infrastructure across the island, the future is bright for our industry.

If you have any questions or feedback, please send us an e-mail at buildingtrades@ns.sympatico.ca. We encourage and welcome your thoughts and comments.

I’m proud of our collaborative efforts and to represent the Cape Breton Building Trades.

In Solidarity,

Jack Wall, President

Executive & Staff

Jack Wall


Keith Fougere

Vice President

Ernie Dalton

Financial Secretary

Matt MacVicar

Recording Secretary

Todd MacNeil


Michelle Prince

Office Administrator

Government Relations

The Cape Breton Building Trades liaises with municipal, provincial, and federal government departments and officials on behalf of our members on matters affecting our industry. We see value in relationships and recognize our ability to create change and advise on decisions that impact our future. 

Our team has been involved in Community Benefits Agreements, occupational health and safety policies, renewable energy legislative changes. 

We have directors on the following boards:

  • The Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency
  • The Provincial Department of Labour
  • Provincial Occupational Health and Safety Board
  • Construction Safety Nova Scotia
  • The Nova Scotia Construction Sector Council
  • Build Right Nova Scotia

Community Partners

When our members are working, we are able to give back to the community and partner with our contractors on important charitable projects. We are proud to be building Cape Breton’s new Cancer Centre and we were honored to support equipment that will care for patients on their hardest days.

Cape Breton Regional Hosptial Foundation 

Local Food Banks in communities where we live and work are important to our members and their families. We’re committed to providing continuous support.