Our Council focuses on safety, and collaboration with our partner contractors, government, and community leaders to ensure our trades professionals are working. When we are working, we are supporting the social and economic prosperity of Cape Breton Island. We advocate for a modernized sector and support the progress of future renewable projects that will grow our province’s prosperity. We support careers in the skilled trades, family health and welfare benefits, and pensions for the future, all while creating a diverse skilled trades workforce. We achieve this through training, skills development, and supporting the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship System. There is still much work to be done to attract more apprentices to our industry and ensure their successful completion of our Red Seal training programs. We will continue to work on this together. With major investments in infrastructure across the island, the future is bright for our industry.
If you have any questions or feedback, please send us an e-mail at buildingtrades@ns.sympatico.ca. We encourage and welcome your thoughts and comments.
I’m proud of our collaborative efforts and to represent the Cape Breton Building Trades.
In Solidarity,
Jack Wall, President
Our team has been involved in Community Benefits Agreements, occupational health and safety policies, renewable energy legislative changes.
We have directors on the following boards:
Cape Breton Regional Hosptial Foundation
Local Food Banks in communities where we live and work are important to our members and their families. We’re committed to providing continuous support.